Thursday, February 3, 2011

HI. My Name Is Amy Burlingame And This Is My Testimony. You Need To See This! (Heartfelt)

 Hey.... My name is Amy Burlingame and yes this is my name... I am sharing this information with you because we need to have a serious heart to heart talk... The  Economy is hurting soooo many people right now... people are losing their jobs, (fired or laid off) people are being foreclosed on their homes day to day, So much pain is going on with health care...

Obama is fighting for us and for health care... We have millions of people in poverty, hurting... we have homeless people on the street, struggling... We have people who think they have a secure position in their job... (Poof! Gone) Our Society judges people... Some people just need a 2nd chance...

Well Folks .... It's like this... I am a Business Owner of my own company... I'm doing this video for a few reasons... One because Ayo Kedar, Alshaune, Toby and Layla (from Rockstar Marketing) and La'Don Smith keep singing in my ear... MAKE A VIDEO !!! BE YOURSELF !!! GET OVER YOUR FEAR !!!! AND SPEAK FROM YOUR HEART !!!! So okay,  you 5.... I see you, and I hope you are proud of me...

Coach J. Lloyd Tomer, Mr. Donald Bradley, Mr. Jerome Hughes, Mr. Eric & Jamilla Magee, Mr. Roniel Sylvester, Mr, Shedrick White, & Mr. Eric Upchurch, Miss Chinaza Duson, Mrs. Jil Greene, See the passion in my eyes, and Feel it in my soul....

This is my testimony to the business that I have... I am putting my heart on the line... I want you to understand my heartfelt passion for this business, I want you to see my "WHY".... I want this to touch you as it has touched me watching the playback... I have opened myself to you.. all of you... This is Me.. Amy Burlingame... In Raw Formation... This is Me.. Amy Burlingame putting my reputation, my name and my credibility on the line... This is Me.. Amy Burlingame that wants for you to open your eyes, your mind and feel my words, my actions and stand in my shoes and feel my humble soul and passion....


If you want a 2nd chance in life.... a chance to fight for Financial FREEDOM...

CONTACT ME.... Inbox Me

or Jump in the Game... 

Become a Broker/Business Owner & a Rep @

Then Become a FREE Agent @

I'm Putting Myself Out Here Because I want to Help... It's Time To Stand Up !!!


Don't Think i am handing this to you.... you need a few things to qualify.....

Strong Mindset to Win
Are you Coachable ?
Are you Trainable?
97% of people don't make it in this business... 3% rise to the top...
(Are the a part of the 97% = crowded on bottom) OR
(3% of the top people = Many spaces open.....) You Make the Choice..
What's your mindset?
Does your "WHY" make you "CRY"?
Then take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you going to leave a will or a bill?

Then we can talk.....   CLICK TO JOIN!!!

Thank You ..... Amy Burlingame  "POWERTEAM LEADER"